Editorial Flow
Peer Review Process
ICSciEnTec is a peer-reviewed conference where selected papers are published in Zorig Melong, Technical Journal of the College of Science and Technology, Royal University of Bhutan. The conference employs a double-blind review process, which is a traditional and common method for evaluating journal articles. However, the chief editor may want to consider the following aspects of this system
- Reviewer Anonymity: While reviewer anonymity allows for impartial decisions by preventing author influence, it can also raise concerns.
- Author Concerns: Authors might worry that reviewers in their field could delay publication to publish their own work first.
- Potential for Harsh Reviews: The anonymity might embolden some reviewers to be overly critical or harsh in their comments.
Three-Stage Publication Process
The journal follows a three-stage publication process (as illustrated in Figure 1).
- Stage 1: Initial Screening
- The paper is first submitted to the chief editor.
- The editor checks if the paper aligns with the journal's scope.
- Stage 2: Peer Review
- If accepted, the manuscript goes to relevant experts for review (usually taking 2-4 weeks).
- Based on comments from at least two to three reviewers, the chief editor summarizes the feedback and notifies the author of the decision.
Possible decisions include:
- Accept as Original
- Accept with Minor Revisions (Reviewer comments attached)
- Accept with Major Revisions (Reviewer comments attached). This requires re-submission, potentially to the same or new reviewers.
- Reject (with justifications)
- Stage 3: Re-submission and Final Decision
- Resubmitted articles are checked by the chief editor to ensure reviewer recommendations are addressed (or justified if not).